(a) Any person desiring municipal electric service shall make application therefore to the city clerk on a form furnished for that purpose. A connection fee in the amount of $10.00 shall accompany the application.
(b) A fee in the amount of $25.00 in addition to any other applicable fee, shall be charged to any customer requesting that municipal electric service be reconnected to the customer’s premise at any time other than the regular working hours of municipal electric employees.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
All electricity furnished by the electrical distribution system of the city shall be measured by meters furnished by the city for that purpose.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
All meters shall be installed and connections made by the city. Where the property has existing supply entrances from the front or so that it requires more material or labor than the nearest or most convenient point does, then the customer shall pay the city the additional cost for labor and material incurred by making such supply entrance.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
The cost of an original installation of all wiring, services and devices except feed lines, and all extensions hereafter made to such services, as well as all repairs to the same, shall be borne entirely by the consumer although such services and devices shall at all reasonable time be subject to inspection by duly authorized officials of the public utility department. Any repairs found to be necessary by such official shall be made promptly by the consumer or the city will discontinue service unless such repairs are made.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
No one except employees of the electric department, or a licensed electrician, shall perform any wiring work on any wires connected to, or to be connected to, the municipal electric distribution system.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
Unless special permission is granted by the utilities superintendent, each premises shall have a separate and distinct service connection, and where permission is granted for branch services, each service must have a separate meter and disconnect.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
For the purpose of reading meters, duly authorized employees of the public utility department may legally enter upon any premises at any reasonable hour to read said electric meter.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
The city shall have access to its electric meter located at a customers address at all times. If a fence, dog, or other object is installed in such a manner that access is restricted, the customer shall pay all actual costs of moving the meter to a location that provides unrestricted access.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take any electricity from the electric distribution system of the city in any manner whatsoever except through a meter installed by the city, or from any premises not owned by him or her or them without permission of the owner thereof.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
Any person, firm or corporation desiring municipal electric service shall upon making application therefore pay to the city clerk a sum equal to the preceding three occupied months average electric consumption for the property or $200.00 whichever is greater, to hold the city free from loss occasioned by the customer’s failure to pay any bill legally rendered against the customer for electric service provided by the city. The city shall maintain a record of all such deposits and pay interest thereon as required by the laws of the State of Kansas. This deposit shall be in addition to deposits required for other utilities that the customer receives from the city.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Ord. 1637; Code 2020)
(a) The deposit required of municipal electric service customers by section 15-210 shall be returned to such customer upon the satisfaction of the following conditions:
(1) Such customer shall be the legal title owner or contract purchaser of the property to which municipal electrical service is provided.
(2) The account or accounts of such customer for all property to which municipal service is provided shall not have been delinquent at any time during the immediately preceding 72 month period.
(b) In the event that a customer by previous account with the city satisfies both of the foregoing conditions at the time of the application for municipal electrical service, the deposit required in section 15-210 shall be waived.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
(a) Bills for electric service shall be rendered monthly. Bills shall become delinquent of not paid on or before the due date as indicated on such electric bill. If bill is not paid on or before the due date a delinquency and termination notice shall be issued by the city clerk within five days after the delinquency occurs and mailed to the customer at his or her last known address. A copy also shall be mailed to the occupant of the premises if the occupant and the customer are not the same person.
(b) The notice shall state:
(1) The amount due, plus late payment charge;
(2) That the service will be terminated if the amount due is not paid within five days from the date of the notice;
(3) That the customer has the right to a hearing;
(4) That the request for a hearing must be in writing and filed with the city clerk no later than three days prior to the date for termination of service.
(c) Upon receipt of a request for hearing, the city clerk shall advise the customer of the date, time and place of the hearing which shall be held within three working days (Saturday, Sunday and holidays excluded) following receipt of the request. The hearing may be conducted by the governing body, the city clerk, or such hearing officer as may be appointed by the governing body.
(d) Following the hearing, if the hearing officer shall find that service should not be terminated, then notice of such finding shall be presented to the utilities superintendent. If the officer finds that service should be terminated, an order shall be issued terminating service three days after the date of the order. The customer shall be notified either in person, posting a notice on the premises, or by mail, unless the order is made at the hearing in the presence of the customer. The hearing officer has authority for good cause, to grant an extension, not to exceed 10 days, for the termination of service.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Code 2020)
The following rate is hereby established for municipal residential electric service:
(a) Residential customers shall pay a base charge of $6.00 per month plus $0.14 per kilowatt hour of energy used.
(b) Customers receiving single-user, three phase service shall pay a base charge of $18.58 per month plus $0.14 per kilowatt hour of energy.
(c) Customers receiving multi-user, three phase service shall pay a base charge of $10.29 plus $0.14 per kilowatt hour of energy.
(d) Industrial rate of $0.1125 per kilowatt hour of energy usage. An industrial customer is defined as a customer located within the bounds of an industrial zone as established by current zoning code. A base rate of $18.58 per meter shall also apply.
(e) Business rate of $0.1205 per kilowatt hour of energy usage. A business customer is defined as a customer located within the bounds of a B-5 business zone as established by current zoning code and is conforming to the B-5 usage. A base rate of $10.29 per month shall be charged for multi-user three phase electric service business and a base rate of $18.58 per month shall be charged for single-user three phase electric service.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Ord. 1468; Ord. 1497; Ord. 1506; Ord. 1533; Ord. 1534; Ord. 1556; Ord. 1600; Ord. 1605; Code 2020; Ord. 1819)
(a) Outdoor security lighting shall be available to all citizens within the City of Enterprise, Kansas. The applicability of the outdoor lighting will only be outdoor lighting by ballast operated vapor lamp fixtures and poles conforming to the city’s specifications. Service shall be rendered only at locations, which are, solely in the opinion of the city, readily accessible for installation and maintenance.
(b) Monthly rates shall be as follows:
(1) 150 watt high pressure sodium fixture $6.50 per month.
(2) 250 watt high pressure sodium fixture $8.50 per month.
(c) Additional charges; In the event an extension of the city’s secondary circuit and a new support pole for the outdoor lighting is required, the above monthly rates shall be increased for each pole installed as follows:
(1) 30 foot pole $4.00
(2) 35 foot pole $6.60
(3) 40 foot pole $7.45
(d) The customer shall furnish the city, without cost to the city and on forms suitable to the city, all rights, permits and easements necessary to permit the installation and maintenance of the city’s facilities on private property where and as needed by the city in providing outdoor security lighting service.
(e) The facilities furnished by the city shall remain the property of the city.
(f) The facilities for outdoor security lighting shall be installed in a mutually agreeable location on the customer’s premises. The location shall be accessible to city trucks.
(g) In any case which would necessitate an excessive expenditure for a long extension or special facilities, the city may require a guarantee of revenue or prepayment sufficient to justify the necessary expenditure.
(h) The standard burning schedule for said lamps shall be from dusk to dawn and shall include approximately 4,200 hours of service per year. The city shall use reasonable care to maintain such service, but the city shall not be obligated to patrol to determine required lamp replacement or other maintenance of the facilities used for outdoor security lighting service. Upon notification of any outage or required maintenance of such facilities, the city shall be allowed a reasonable length of time to restore normal service during regular business hours.
(i) The customer shall enter into a contract for said services for the outdoor security lighting with a minimum term being a period of not less than one (1) year.
(Code 2005, 6-200s; Ord. 1571; Code 2020)